MSc in Sustainability Transformation

How can you make the most out of your student experience at ESSEC Business School?

Campus life is often one of the most anticipated aspects of being a student, where you will be able to meet other students, share your passions, pursue your hobbies and interests, and even build your professional network!

To complement their academic experience, students can also explore sustainability topics through community and humanitarian-focused student associations ranging from animal welfare to climate change awareness and gender equality, such as NOISE ESSEC, Alma ESSEC, and Enactus ESSEC.

With over 100 student associations with a wide variety of themes: student councils, community, clubs, creative, cultural, humanitarian, leisure, international, professional, and sports, across ESSEC’s campuses in France, Singapore, and Morocco, you are bound to find an association that piques your interest!

Wondering what student associations are available at ESSEC Business School?

Complete the form on the right to download the Student Associations brochure, where you will find a comprehensive list of all the student associations on offer across our campuses.

Student Associations Brochure Download Request

How can you make the most out of your student experience at ESSEC Business School?

How can you make the most out of your student experience at ESSEC Business School?

How can you make the most out of your student experience at ESSEC Business School?

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