Join the best Bachelor of Business in France, in Singapore or in Morocco!
By enrolling in the ESSEC Global BBA Program after High School, you’re choosing a world-class education combining cutting-edge knowledge and life-changing experiences through personal development, hands-on career experience, and a study abroad program with one of our +175 partner universities in 45 countries.
The ESSEC Global BBA at a glance
- The program is ranked #1 in France by Le Point, L'Obs and Parcoursup
- You can start the 4-year Bachelor of Business Administration Program either at ESSEC France campus (Cergy), ESSEC Asia-Pacific campus (Singapore) or ESSEC Africa campus (Rabat, Morocco)
- Full-time in English or French
- Study in 3 different campuses (optional intercampus mobility)
- 6-12 months’ international exchange
- 10-16 months of professional experience
- 60% of our students pursue a Master’s degree at ESSEC or in the most prestigious universities worldwide
- 40% of our students enter the job market and 9% create their own companies.
- 65,000 graduates worldwide
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